Sunday, July 19, 2020

What are obscure realities about WhatsApp?

What are obscure realities about WhatsApp? 


👈Sharing is caring!👇

WhatsApp has in excess of 450 million dynamic clients 

More than 1 million individuals information exchange for WhatsApp ordinary. 

The informing framework handles in excess of 10 million messages every day. 

India is the biggest single nation as far as number of clients of WhatsApp (around 65 million dynamic clients). 

WhatsApp has never sold a solitary advertisement on the application. Neither have they promoted the application ever. 


WhatsApp has just 55 workers altogether, out of which just 33 are engineers. This implies one designer is answerable for around 14 million dynamic clients. 

Facebook dismissed WhatsApp prime supporter Brian Acton for an occupation in 2009. 

Afterward, Facebook purchased WhatsApp at a stunning $19 billion on February 19, 2014. 

As of April 2015, WhatsApp has in excess of 800 million dynamic clients. 


India has the biggest number of dynamic clients on WhatsApp. More than 1 million clients get enrolled on WhatsApp day by day. 

As of January 2015, 30 billion messages gets sent and got on WhatsApp day by day. 

Normal measure of time spent by clients on WhatsApp at a week after week premise is 195 minutes. 

Before Facebook obtained WhatsApp for $19 billion, Google offered to pay $ 10 billion. WhatsApp is answerable for 27% of selfies shared via web-based networking media. 

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See Also


In the event that you forward the message which is made by you, the mark won't appear.

In the event that you forward the message you got from another client, at that point the forward mark will appear. It's extremely great that they deal with such little subtleties.


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